Electrical tips 101: Troubleshooting tips all homeowners should know


Electrical problems are not easy to solve. They can be dangerous and complicated. Getting under the sink to fix a plumbing issue doesn't compare to fixing electrical wiring. You could end up severely injured if the slightest thing goes wrong. The wise decision is to call a professional. However, that doesn't mean you should remain ignorant when it comes to troubleshooting such issues. Here are some of the common problems that may save you a few bucks when you solve them yourself.

7 October 2015

2 Quick Tips for Checking a Car's Electrical Systems


When your car's electrical systems start to fail, you don't want to overlook this problem. Your car's computer and many other components need proper electricity to operate, so even if the engine runs while electrical systems are experiencing a slowdown, you should still take your car to a repair shop and get the problems addressed. You might be able to auto electric repairs if you check the basis and are familiar with wiring.

6 October 2015

Signs Indicating You May Require a Commercial Electrician


When it comes to residential electrical problems, a break in power supply typically means flipping a switch on their fuse box to restore the power until the electrician comes to diagnose the problem. With commercial buildings, this may not be as easy. Here are some of the signs that you may require the services of a commercial electrician like Combined Electrical Contractors Pty Ltd. Ceiling fixtures that feel hot to the touch

6 October 2015

Telephone Wiring Basics


Having a telephone system wired into your home is still essential for most homeowners. It is possible to wire your own telephone as long as you understand the basic principles. This means that you need to be familiar with all components of a telephone system including all cords, wires and jacks. Before you begin wiring your telephone system in your home or office, there are few things that you need to understand and consider.

5 October 2015

When to Call an Electrical Contractor to Your Home


Electrical problems in your home don't always mean that the power actually goes out completely. Very often wires will be overloaded or become frayed and bare and need changing, but they will still provide some power to areas of the home. You may also not realize the signs of damage to wiring and electrical components, which can put your home at risk for an electrical fire or complete blackout. Note when it's good to call an electrical contractor to your home and why, even if you're still getting electrical power.

5 October 2015

What Causes the Compressor of an AC to Cycle Before a Room Is Cool


You may have noticed that the compressor of your home air conditioning system goes on and off even when the temperature of your room has not yet reached the thermostat settings. This article discusses some of the defects that can cause this to happen. Low Refrigerant Level A leak may have caused the refrigerant to go below the recommended level. When that happens, the compressor may overheat since insufficient refrigerant may be passing through it.

2 October 2015